Canada and Sweden have well-established bilateral relations thanks to the common fundamental values with a focus on diversity and sustainability. This has led to extensive business and scientific exchanges in technology and innovation.
Entry point for North America
Canada is the world’s tenth largest economy with most of its 37 million people living within 200 kilometres of the American border. Business culture in Canada is very similar to that in Sweden, which results in easy and transparent business discussions in all sectors. Furthermore, the conditions and characteristics of the country are similar to the USA, making it a good test market for North America.
Opportunities for Swedish companies in canada
Canada’s resource-based industries, including mining, water, forestry, energy, oil and gas are a good fit with the interests and competences of the Swedish industry. Healthcare companies in Canada also do business in a similar way, due to a publicly financed healthcare system. The two countries face the same challenges in healthcare, such as an aging population and increased costs. The sector is currently undergoing a digitalisation process, and there is a strong focus on providing equal healthcare to all citizens, also in remote areas. Swedish solutions and products typically have a lot of interest in Canada, because of the high quality and high level of innovation. The brand “Sweden” has a very good reputation and is able to open many doors.
Attractive market for exports and trade
The Canadian economy is performing consistently well, and barriers associated with market entry are low. CETA, the free trade agreement between Europe and Canada, came into effect in September 2017 and provides increased opportunities for trade. It has improved labour mobility when customs tariffs were removed almost entirely, and public procurement contracts opened up on all levels.
How we can help you expand
Business Sweden has been active in Canada for more than 30 years. From our office in Toronto we support Swedish companies with strategic advice and support to set up their business.